Monday, November 9, 2009

Concrete Layng for Ground floor flat roof

Concreting of Ground floor flat roof done today after completng steel reinforcment work and Electrical points at roof level as per my instructions and design.
Originally steel workers were planning to do steel work just simply as a net.This type of steel work do  not require much time ,care and precision.It also does not have any engineering basis.Probably only due to luck of owner of house,concrete roof thus concreted remain in tact .Considering the fact that most of the houses especially in village areas are being constucted without any professional guidance simply relying on lack of knowlege ,rather than knowledge of the contractor,it is a wonder that buildings remain in tact possibly due to better rains in Kerala.
Even at the time of concrete laying workers prefer the easier way of working rather than following proper and correct engineering standards.
Pictures of concrete laying follows

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Steel reinforcement work for Ground Floor Flat roof slab

Steel reinforcement work being done at site as per structual drawings and instructions given during previous site visit were checked.Instructions given for further work.Electrical points coming up at roof level were marked in presence of Electrician.Positions for both meter board of KSEB and Main Distribution board were informed to Electrician .
Final checking of steel work and Electrical workdone will be done at 7.30 AM on 9/11 just before concreting.
Pictures of steel reinforcemnt work and picture of me with all  concrete wokers and Electrician present can also be seen.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Form work for Fat roof slab

Form work for flat roof slab for Ground Floor completed
Detailed drawings and instructions were given  on steel reiforcement work to the workers.
As the steel work is different from what they normally follow for roof slab and beams along with roof slab,they wil take little more time to complete the  steel work.
Thoomanam supplied and three rolls of Bitumen paper also supplied.
This will be kept above brick walls to prevent pulling up of brick walls when concrete roof get heated up by sun and expands upward.Without usng this paper if concrete is laid,there will be chances of breakage of brick walls due to continuose pullng up of concrete roof dueto heat of sun.
Pictures follows