Saturday, October 24, 2009

Car porch slope roof concreting and slope sunshade concreting

Steel reinforcement work for beams,car porch roof and  slope  sunshades were checked and additional steel to be laid were laid.Concreting done for theses areas after correcting steel renforcement work and fixing elctrical points on car porch roof.Pictures show details.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Slope roof for car porch and slope sunshades

Form work for car porch slope roof and slope sunshades at ground Floor level are completed.Steel reinforcement work has started.Steel workers were shown how to do steel reinforcement work for beams and Slope roof.Pictures show work in progress

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Lintel and flat sunshades concreting

Pictures show work in progress when lintel,flat sunshades,loft slab,first flight of stair  and round columns are concreted